Friday, July 20, 2012

Pimples Be Gone!

So a few weeks ago I purchased the Ambi Even & Clear Foaming Cleanser. I'd heard a lot about it and thought it sounded promising, especially for my pimple scarred face. I used it for a few days and started noticing a few pimples popping up here and there but didn't think much of it. It is the summer after all and heat bumps aren't that uncommon. One morning after about two weeks of using the cleanser I went to the bathroom to wash my face and what i saw in the mirror was terrifying! Swollen, puffy, bumpy, and RED. No girl EVER wants to wake up to that! My ENTIRE face was COVERED in these tiny red swollen bumps. Ugh, I know pretty graphic. So after all this I realized i had to get rid of this break out and FAST. So of course I started searching Youtube for my answer. I found a few videos and combined all of my wonderful Youtube beauty gurus knowledge into one simple pimple zapping treatment. So here it is...

Step 1

Cleansing your face
Before you do anything to your face you need to make sure it's clean. Every time I cleanse my face I like to exfoliate also. Why not kill two birds with one stone right? As of right now I don't have any fancy exfoliating stuff so I use Epsom salt. That's right Epsom salt! Epsom salt helps draw harmful toxins out of the body and remove any dirt and oils that may be clogging your pores. 

You will need:
- Q-tips

- Epsom salt

- A wash rag

- Rubbing alcohol 

1.  Get a wash rag, put it in some hot water, wring it out and immediately put it on you face. (The hot steam will open up your pores making it easier to scrub out the yucky stuff)

2.  Then mix your Epsom salt, some warm water and the facial cleanser of your choosing together until it has the texture of a slushie. 

3. Scrub your face with this and pat it dry.

4. Using a Q-tip apply rubbing alcohol to the affected areas (rubbing alcohol will dry out the pimples and some of the pimple causing oils left in your face).

5. Now your ready for step 2

Step 2

Ice Ice Baby
You will need:
-Ice Cubes

-A zip-lock bag

-Aluminum foil

1. Put the ice cubes in the zip-lock bag and seal the bag

2. Wrap the zip-lock bag in aluminum foil and ice the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. Now onto step 3.

Step 3

All-Natural Toner/Astringent

You will need:

- 1/2 cup filtered water

- 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

- 1 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon(or lime) juice (optional)

- 3 drops lavender essential oil (optional)

- An empty bottle to put your astringent in


1. Start off by mixing the ACV, water and lemon juice together in your bottle.

2. Shake up your mixture, get a cotton ball and apply to the affected area.

Note: If you have sensitive skin the lemon juice might be to harsh for your face.
Keep the toner in the refrigerator for up to two weeks of use.

And last but not least step 4.

Step 4

You will need:
- Toothpaste (preferably without whitening)

- Lavender Essential Oil

- Facial Moisturizer of your choice (optional)

1. Rub the lavender essential oil all over face like lotion. (Lavender essential oil is the most natural way to heal acne. It contains antibacterial compounds and is gentle enough to be used directly on the face without irritation. It won't clog your pores and it just smells amazing!)

2. Next apply a light layer of toothpaste to the affected area. Sleep with the toothpaste on overnight and wash it off in the morning with warm water and your cleanser. (Toothpaste will reduce the size of your pimples and dry them out).

Note: If you have dry skin you may want to apply a facial moisturizer before the toothpaste. For most people the essential oil should be enough but remember if you are using a moisturizer make sure it is oil free. Oils will clog up the pores and make more pimples.

And now you're pimple free yay! 
or at least a little less pimple-y :)

I hope this works for you guys as well as it worked for me. As for that Ambi foolishness...i mean awesomeness he he... I shall never use it again. But that doesn't mean it won't work for you guys. You never know until you try it, my face may just be super sensitive to good stuff ;) anyways I'm glad you took the time to read this very long health nugget. Blog ya later ^_^

Here are some of the websites that i got some of my information from:

ps. I took all the pictures you see in this blog :)

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